Dental emergencies are very common and can happen to anyone anytime and off-course everyone prefer to be healthy and prefer first aid treatment for them and thus there are some first aid tips for dental emergencies like bitten tongue or lip cut, broken tooth and some other dental emergencies.
Bitten Tongue and Lip cut
In case if you bit your tongue or cut your lip accidentally which happens to everyone. In case of tongue bit or lip cut then just use a piece of soft cloth and clean the area where you got the cut gently and properly. Then apply cold compresses to reduce the changes of swelling If in case bleeding continues rush to your dentist but if there is no bleeding rinse your mouth with warm salted water.
Broken Tooth
If in case you get your teeth broken use warm water and rinse your mouth immediately with warm water and then try your best to clean away the dirt and blood from the affected area of your mouth by rinsing your mouth and using a soft cloth to clean it up. Then after cleaning the dirt away place ice or cold compresses on your face next to injured tooth area to reduces the chances of swelling. Then contact your dentist.
Object Stuck between Teeth
If in case something is stuck between your teeth use dental floss to remove the object stuck, do not use pointed or sharp object to remove the object stuck. If you find difficulties in removing the object stuck contact your dentist immediately.
Toothache is very common and can happen to anyone due to some or other reasons. In case of toothache use warm water and rinse your mouth, then take away the food particle which is stuck in between your teeth with the help of dental floss.
Sugarless Gums and Dental waxes can be used to prevent cuts from sharp wire of braces.
Tough these first aid tips can work but seeking help with your dentist for dental emergencies would be the best.