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Dental Phobia


It has been estimated that as many as 75% of dental patients experience some or more dental fear, which may be very less or even too much. In this 75% approximately 5-10% people experience a severe dental phobia in which they don’t even to go for their dental treatment even in the case of dental emergencies like a toothache or a dental abscess, these people avoid dental treatment at any cost.

The dental phobia is further categorized into three categories which include dental anxiety, dental fear, and dental phobia.

Dental anxiety is the case where the patient experiences an unknown danger. This dental anxiety is very common and is probably experienced with every new patient as they experience something new which they had never experienced or it an unknown danger for the patients.

Dental fear is the case where the patients are well known about the danger which they feel. In this case, the patient has already experienced the fear but then also they have the fear of the treatment.

The third and the last category is dental phobia where the patient is so much afraid with the dental treatment that they don’t want to go the dental treatment at any cost though it’s a dental emergency.

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